Treating Gummy Smile With Botox - What You Need to Know

Treating Gummy Smile With Botox - What Do I Need To Know?
What is a “gummy smile?” When a person smiles, their lips rest high on the gums. You may have seen actors with gummy smiles, such as Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, or Nicole Kidman. While these smiles are beautiful in their own right, sometimes they don’t fit the face they’re in. If you have a gummy smile, what can you do about it?
While we expect to see those little pink gum triangles between a person’s teeth to show off their smile, it can be too much. Every smile is genuine, authentic, and unique, and though others might find your smile endearing, it’s up to a patient to decide if their smile is right for them. Smiles are part of a self-diagnosis, as one smile might be appealing to one person and unappealing to another.
The typical “ideal” smile exposes 2 mm of upper gum tissue. Gummy smiles might show 3 mm or more, making a client’s teeth seem smaller. This leads to less smiling, reluctant smiling, or completely self-conscious clients who cannot help but hide their joy. So, how does one improve their “gummy” smile? Botox is the key.
What Factors Cause A Gummy Smile?
Here are a few things that cause the appearance of a gummy smile:
- Enlarged gum tissue, known as gingival hypertrophy.
- Excessive or overgrown gingival tissue that might require surgical intervention.
- Excessive growth of the upper jaw.
- A hyperactive upper lip.
- The size and shape of your teeth.
- Other genetic predispositions.
How Does Botox Treat A Gummy Smile?
The good news is that gummy smiles can be effectively treated with Botox. These treatments are easy, simple, and quick! Plus, they are not invasive procedures. Botox contains botulinum toxin type A, which when injected relaxes the muscles in the upper lip and limits its rise when smiling. This means that the gums will remain covered and your smile will appear natural and less gummy.
Two or more units of Botox are injected between the nose and upper lip, reducing the appearance of the “gummy” smile and creating a smile that looks more you!
This treatment is minimally invasive. The upper lips are relaxed via Botox so that it does not contract as much when the client smiles. These treatments are very effective and last up to 3 months—when the procedure is repeated over time, there is a greater period between visits. A client can return to work immediately after the treatment, and the results are typically instant, with the full effect noticeable within two weeks.
What Are The Benefits Of Treating A Gummy Smile With Botox?
Botox is injected between the nose and upper lip to temporarily “freeze” those muscles, preventing the upper lip from elevating or contracting when you smile. The result is a natural, beautiful, conscious smile that you will want to show off daily.
Benefits of treating a gummy smile with Botox:
- Botox injections cause very mild discomfort.
- Injections become easier and last longer with repeat care.
- Recovery and effects are nearly immediate.
- Results are quick and natural.
- Injections can be adjusted for desired results.
Contact ImageLab Med Spa today to schedule an appointment and learn more about “gummy” smiles and other treatment options!
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